Настройка Zend Studio для работы с последней версией java


Zend Studio для Eclipse, поставляется с комплекте Java Run-time Environment (JRE) версии 1.5.0_11-b03. В некоторых случаях вы можете заменить его на более новую JRE, установленную в операционной системе. Эта статья объясняет, как выполнить эту задачу.
Подходит для: Zend Studio 10.x, Zend Studio 7.x, Zend Studio 8.x, Zend Studio 9.x, Zend Studio for Eclipse 6.x
Debian / Ubuntu, MS Windows 2003 Server, MS Windows 2008 Server, MS Windows 2012 Server, MS Windows 7, MS Windows 8, MS Windows XP, RedHat Enterprise Linux / CentOS, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server / OpenSUSE


Make sure that you have a JRE installed on your system. To check whether you have a JRE installed in your system, open your CLI and issue the command java -version. If a JRE is installed, you will see its version information:

C:\>java -version
java version "1.6.0_12"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_12-b04)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.2-b01, mixed mode)

If there is no JRE in your system, you will see a message about an invalid command. In this case, you can download the latest JRE from http://www.java.com.

Open the ZendStudio.ini file in your Zend Studio for Eclipse installation directory. By default, this file is located at:

Linux – /usr/local/Zend/ZendStudioforEclipse-6.X.X/ZendStudio.ini

Windows – C:\Program Files\Zend Studio for Eclipse – 6.X.X\ZendStudio.ini

Add the following lines to the start of the file:

; Run Zend Studio with system's JRE
; —————————————-

Replace <PathToJRE> with the location of the corresponding JRE .dll or .so file. For example:

Windows – C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\client\jvm.dll

Linux – /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/i386/client/libjvm.so

Full ZendStudio.ini contents example:
; Run Zend Studio with system's JRE
; —————————————-

To verify that your installation of Zend Studio is using the JRE specified in ZendStudio.ini, perform the following steps:

Start Zend Studio for Eclipse.
Go to menu Help | About Zend Studio for Eclipse | Configuration Details.
Check that the selected JRE version is shown in the java.version parameter. For example:


#archive 62 #capsulecms 30 #featurerequest 26 #linux 22 #php 14 #windows 12 #phpstorm 11 #eclipse 8 #font 6 #nginx 5 #bug 5 #oldsite 4 #SEO 3 #Цитаты 3 #iosevka 3 #antipattern 2 #quotes 2 #mvc 2 #symfony 2 #nano 2 #foobar 1 #apache 1 #git 1 #pidgin 1 #ssh 1 #curl 1 #datetimepicker 1 #https 1 #rsync 1 #bootstrap 1 #cmd 1 #iconv 1 #cms 1 #skype 1 #pdf 1 #algorithm 1 #composer 1 #copypaste 1 #translation 1 #sourcetree 1 #singleton 1 #mysql 1 #meld 1 #pattern 1 #postgresql 1 #debian 1 #ideas 1 #strtok 1 #qt 1 #capsulecmsv1 1 #netbeans 1 #puntoswitcher 1 #movie 1 #mariadb 1