How to use meld with Sourcetree on Windows

  • Install meld
  • Add location of meld.exe to the PATH, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Meld
  • In SourceTree, go to Tools/Options/Diff
  • In External Diff Tool, choose Custom
  • Enter meld in Diff Command and $LOCAL $REMOTE in Arguments
  • Click Ok and restart SourceTree


#archive 62 #capsulecms 30 #featurerequest 26 #linux 22 #php 13 #windows 12 #phpstorm 11 #eclipse 8 #font 6 #nginx 5 #bug 5 #oldsite 4 #iosevka 3 #SEO 3 #mvc 2 #nano 2 #antipattern 2 #quotes 2 #cms 1 #skype 1 #pdf 1 #algorithm 1 #composer 1 #copypaste 1 #sourcetree 1 #singleton 1 #mysql 1 #meld 1 #pattern 1 #postgresql 1 #debian 1 #ideas 1 #strtok 1 #qt 1 #capsulecmsv1 1 #netbeans 1 #puntoswitcher 1 #movie 1 #mariadb 1 #foobar 1 #apache 1 #git 1 #pidgin 1 #curl 1 #datetimepicker 1 #rsync 1 #bootstrap 1 #cmd 1 #iconv 1